Save the date: 13th December 2019; WASCOP Final Conference!

We are pleased to invite you to the WASCOP Final Conference, organised in cooperation with EU H2020 SOLWARIS project, which it will be held at the CIEMAT-Plataforma solar de Almeria (PSA), in Spain on 13th December 2019. The event aims to present the results related to the cooling and cleaning solutions for Water Management for CSP Plants.

Conference is free of charge but registration is required: it can be done through the form in the WASCOP website: If places are available, registration can be made on the same day of the event. Programme is available here.

A discount rate for room is available at the Gran Hotel Almería – Ohtels (Address: Calle Reina Regente, 8, 04001 Almería, Spain).  Shuttle bus will pick up participants at 8:15 am at the Gran Hotel Almería – Ohtels.

Please do not hesitate to contact WASCOP project manager and dissemination leader Fabrizio Perrotta ( for further information.

WASCOP in SolarPaces2019

Following last year workshop organized in Casablanca, WASCOP presence in SolarPaces2019 has continued to be important also this year to provide solutions for the Water Consumption Management for CSP Plants. WASCOP Consortium was presence with three oral presentations related to the WASCOP holistic approach Soiling sensor and T-TraCs, and other 3 posters. Furthermore, WASCOP Dissemination Leader Fabrizio Perrotta attended the CSP H2020 Projects booth together with other 6 sister projects.

WASCOP M42 & EAB Meeting

WASCOP M42 meeting was held on 18th and 19th September  2019 at the MASEN premises of Ouarzazate in Morocco. First day it was dedicated to the review of the project status through WP presentations and the recommendations of the EAB members. Second day of the meeting was dedicated to an interesting visit of the NOOR II plants. During the second day of the meeting, it has been discussed the finalization of the testing activities, technical and economic analysis and the final conference.

Thank you to our part MASEN for hosting the meeting!


A dedicated serie called Quenching the thirst of concentrated solar power plants of the EURONEWS FUTURIS programme has been dedicated to the cooling and cleaning solutions in WASCOP. The programme has presented the dust barriers, soiling sensors, special coating mirrors, ultrasonic cleaning system, and a hybrid water cooler prototype, currently under validation in CIEMAT-PSA facilities, as well as versatile cooler and storage tank currently being tested at CEA-Cadarache. Many of these experiments will soon be tested in working power plants in Spain as part of a further European Union project SOLWATT and could be commercially available within three years. The serie is available to watch here

WASCOP Second Review Meeting and prototype demonstrations

WASCOP M36 and Second review meeting was held on 11th and 12th March 2019 at OMT premises located at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven (Netherlands). First day it was dedicated to the preparation to all presentations for the official Review meeting and the GA meeting. The second day was dedicated to the official Review meeting with WASCOP Project officer Sebastien Mortier where Consortium presented the status of the project and the demonstration of the low cost and soling sensors prototypes. Thank you to OMT for the excellent meeting organisation and for the preparation of this successful meeting!


The forth issue of the “H2020 Projects Bulletin on Concentrated Solar Power” newsletter has been published.

The joint Newsletter was launched in May 2017 by a joint initiative of the consortia of the EU projects CAPTure, MinWaterCSP, MOSAIC and WASCOP.  However, the clustering has included new projects and this issue included CAPTure, Hycool, INSHIP, MOSAIC, MUSTEC, Next-CSP, ORC-PLUS, POLYPHEM, SHIP2FAIR, SOCRATES, SOLPART, SOLWATT, SUN to LIQUID, WASCOP.

Enjoy reading and get the updates of the involved European projects in this clustering. Find out more about the projects, news and events here.

WASCOP M30 Meeting in Cadarache

WASCOP M30 meeting was held on 18th and 19th September at the CEA facility of the Castel of Cadarache in South France. First day it was dedicated to the review of the project status through WP presentations and in the afternoon to an interesting visit of the CEA Cadarache WASCOP testing site, where partners had the possibility to see the versatile cooler prototype in an operational environment. During the second day of the meeting, cooling and cleaning technical sessions has been appointed to plan the next technical challenges in the project. Thank you to our part CEA for hosting the meeting!

WASCOP at Webinar Soiling in PV and CSP

Fabian Wolfertstetter from DLR has presented WASCOP results through his speech Soiling in concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) – effects and connection to PV at the webinar Soiling in PV and CSP of the PVQAT Soiling Group. The presentation was an overview of the CSP technology, the status and history of CSP soiling research, and a link between CSP and PV soiling rates using an optical model. Webinar has been recorded and it can be downloaded for free at the pvqat website previous registration at this link:

WASCOP at the Second H2020 Coordinators’ Workshop on CSP

On 26th June 2018, the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) hosted the second H2020 Coordinators’ Workshop on Concentrated Solar Power. The aim of the workshop is to investigate potential synergies between projects in the area of Concentrated Solar Power with ongoing RIA, IA and CSA projects. WASCOP project results and development was presented to the audience and WASCOP representatives participated in the group discussions to identify potential synergies and overlaps.

The third newsletter of the H2020 Projects on Concentrated Solar Power is online!

The third issue of the “H2020 Projects Bulletin on Concentrated Solar Power” newsletter has been published.

The joint Newsletter was launched in May 2017 by a joint initiative of the consortia of the EU projects CAPTure, MinWaterCSP, MOSAIC and WASCOP.

The issue includes updates from the involved European projects, a news about the launch of the SOLWATT project and an analysis of the CSP European environment in AMIPLEXUS.

Find out more about the projects, news and events here.