CSP project clustering Newsletter

Following the one-day workshop in Almeria and other joint activities, four H2020 projects (CAPTure, MinWaterCSP, MOSAIC and WASCOP), have published a first joint newsletter in June 2017 and plan to continue with a further edition at the end of 2017. The newsletter presents news about the project results, dissemination events and information about CSP policy and innovation. The link of the first joint newsletter is available here. To subscribe to the joint newsletter, please fill in this formhttp://eepurl.com/cOtWvj

WASCOP and MinWaterCSP Survey: Water usage requirements for CSP plants

Following the successful workshop on water consumption, a joint survey from the H2020 projects WASCOP and MinWaterCSP has been set up in order to increase awareness and share future improvements on water usage in solar power plants.

CSP plant operators and owners are kindly invited to complete a quick survey related to “water usage in solar power plants” by clicking on the following link:


Information collected will be used to develop a document guideline for general operators/users about the water requirement. Please insert your e-mail at the end of the survey to share the results generated from this survey.

The survey require to be completed less than 15 minutes. Responses are requested by 25th April 2017.

Thank in advance for your feedback. For further information, please contact Dr Chris Sansom: c.l.sansom@cranfield.ac.uk

EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017

The EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017 (EUSEW 2017) is an initiative of the European Commission that will take place 19 – 25 June 2017. During the EU’s Sustainable Energy Week, public authorities, energy agencies, research organisations, NGOs, businesses, and private consumers will have the chance to exchange ideas about providing secure, clean and efficient energy. Events organised as part of the week will include the annual Policy Conference on sustainable energy as well as networking opportunities and an awards ceremony for energy-saving initiatives.


WASCOP M12 meeting was held on 18th and 19th January 2017 at TEKNIKER office in Eibar (Spain). Coordinator Delphine BOURDON welcomed the project team and the External Advisory Board (EAB) members Mr. Juan Ignacio Burgaleta (SENER) and Mr. Luis Crespo (ESTELA). In the first day, EAB members had the opportunity to hear about the achievements of WASCOP project, presented by the different partners during the WPs presentations. In the afternoon, a session was dedicated to the EAB recommendations to partners, mainly focused on the technology and solutions proposed by WASCOP. During the second day, an ordinary general assembly was organized to discuss the next steps in the management, dissemination and exploitation of the project, and the meeting closed with technical discussions occurred to take decisions and agree on next actions for both cooling and cleaning activities. Meeting was characterized by a collaborative and proactive behavior of all the participants. Special thanks to our host TEKNIKER for the excellent organization of the meeting.

WASCOP at H2020 Coordinators’ Workshop on CSP

On 24th November 2016, the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) hosted a H2020 Coordinators’ Workshop on Concentrated Solar Power. The aim of the workshop is to investigate potential synergies between projects in the area of Concentrated Solar Power. WASCOP project and his dissemination activities was presented to the audience and WASCOP representatives participated in the group discussions to identify potential synergies and overlaps. The main follow up actions after the workshop are:

  • Background and methodology benchmark between Sister projects
  • Conjoint training, summer schools and workshops
  • Common booth in key CSP conferences and events
  • Increasing the stakeholders’ identification and involvement

Joint WASCOP & MinWaterCSP workshop on water consumption in CSP plants

wascioA one-day workshop on the topic of Water Consumption in CSP plants has been held at the CIEMAT-Plataforma solar de Almeria (PSA), in Spain on 29th November 2016.

Workshop has been organised by the two EU funded projects on the Horizon 2020, namely “WASCOP” and “MinWaterCSP”. Partners of both projects discussed with CSP plant stakeholders about the solutions proposed to reduce water consumption in the steam cycle and in cleaning, soiling and water treatment in solar fields. CSP plant operators expressed a positive feedback about the workshop and the relevance of the project activities.

A joint press release has been published. It provides more information about the outputs of the workshop and the involved audience.

International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference

The fourIRSEC Logo 2016th Edition of the International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC’16) aims to provide an international forum to facilitate discussion and knowledge exchange of the state-of-the-art research findings and current and future challenges and opportunities related with all facets and aspects of renewable and sustainable energy. The target public of IRSEC’16 includes all interested people from academia, industry and government, particularly, researchers, policy-makers, engineers, PhD and Masters students and other specialists interested in all issues related to renewable and sustainable energy.

The scope of IRSEC’16 covers a broad range of hot topics including renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, green energy, climate change, sustainable energy systems and smart grid. IRSEC’16 will be held in Marrakesh (Morocco).

Scientific Conference European Energy Research Alliance

EERA LogoEERA (European Energy Research Alliance) is organizing for the first time of his establishment a scientific conference. This conference is the occasion for energy researchers active in EERA, that represent more than 175 research organisations active in all fields of research on low-carbon energy, to meet and discover about each others’ challenges. The goal is to provide the opportunity for JPs cross-fertilisation, to discuss topics of common interest and input to contributing to the objectives of the SET-Plan and to the EU policy priorities in energy research. The event will also involve industrial stakeholders and policy makers in order to strengthen their collaboration with the research world. The conference will blend invited speakers, selected oral and poster contributions and panel debates to facilitate discussions and improve communication between stakeholders and researchers.

A preliminary programme is now available

WASCOP on the H2020 Research and Innovation Magazine

“Quenching the thirst of concentrated solar power” is an article published on the H2020 Research and Innovation Magazine related to the potentialities and limits of Concentrated Solar Power. CSP is presented as an energy source with the “potentialities to energise remote areas of the world, but it faces one major obstacle – the amount of water it uses.” WASCOP aims exactly to drop down the water consumption by optimizing the cooling and cleaning methods in the CSP plant process. Our coordinator Delphine BOURDON has been interviewed by the magazine, together with her colleagues from our sister projects MinWaterCSP and REELCOOP, in order to discover more about the ongoing CSP related EU H2020 projects. Find out more about the article here.